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■ SQA55 鏡筒

レンズ構成5 群 5 枚の ペッツバールアストログラフ

・ 対物レンズは口径 55mm 、焦点距離 264mm 、 F4.8 です。
・ ペッツバールデザインで新設計された 5 群 5 枚のレンズのうち 1 枚に SD レンズ、更に ED レンズ
も 1 枚使用して います。

・ 色収差や球面収差、像面湾曲などの収差を 徹底的に排除し たフラットフィールドを実現 。
・ 中心スポット半径は約 2.2 μ m 、さらにフルサイズ最周辺でも 半径約 3.7 μ m の 鋭像を結ぶ設計とな
・ 周辺部と中心部で星の大きさや収差にほとんど差がないため、 モザイク撮影に最適な鏡筒 です 。
・ レンズの性能を示す MTF は 10 本 /mm 、 30 本 /mm も中心から周辺まで均一かつ高水準で、高い解像度とコントラストの良さ を誇ります。
・ 周辺光量はフルサイズ最周辺でも 90 %を確保しており、きわめて均一といえます。
・ 14 枚羽根の円形絞りを搭載し、絞った状態でも星像への影響を小さくしています。



・ 鏡筒の接眼部側の円周 4 箇所には、 簡単に 付け外しできるクイックリリースシステムのレールが備わっています。
・ 鏡筒バンド、三脚座を好きな位置に固定できるほか、社外製の電動フォーカサーを取り付ける AF キット 近日発売予定を使用することで鏡筒の機能を拡張することができます。
・ 鏡筒ハンドルや三脚座をすべて取り外すと、望遠レンズのように手持ちで使用することもできます。



・ ダブルローテーター(回転装置)を採用し、鏡筒とカメラの回転角をそれぞれ自由に変えることが
・ デュアルスピードヘリコイドを採用し、微動と粗動を別のリングで操作することができます。
・ 対物レンズ前面には 67mm のフィルターネジが切ってあり 、 市販のカメラ用 67mm フィルター を
取り付けることができます 。また、鏡筒後端の M48 アダプター内部には M48 フィルターを取り付け 可能 なため、多彩なフィルターワークを楽しめます。
・ 鏡筒ハンドルはファインダー台座と一体型で、ガイドスコープをはじめとした様々なオプション機
・ フードは取り外して逆付け収納が可能です。収納時の全長は 244mm です。
・ 質 量は約 2.18kg と軽量 で すので、 小型の赤道儀でも搭載が可能です。


Askar SQA55 鏡筒【ご予約商品】

Sales Tax Included
  • 口径 55 mm
    焦点距離 264 mm
    光学系 5 群 5 枚(うち SD レンズ 1 枚、 ED レンズ 1 枚使用)
    口径比 f/ 4.8
    絞り f 4.8 f/22
    最短合焦距離 5m
    全長 約 244 mm (フード収納時 )/ 約 316 mm (フード 装着時
    フード外径 φ 92 mm
    フィルター径 67mm (対物レンズ先端)、 48mm M48 アダプター内部)

    55mm 5mm

    ※できるだけ55mm に合わせて使用することで 最大 の性能を発揮します。

    質量 約 2.18 kg (バンド・プレート 込み
    付属品 :ミリタリーグレード防水ハードケース


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​Usage guide

About how to order

1. Select a product and click the "Add to Cart" button.

2. Check the items you have added to your shopping cart and click "Proceed to checkout" or "Proceed to payment: Paypal".

3. Enter the delivery address information.

4. Select shipping method

5. Select payment method [credit/debit card, PayPal,Offline payment (bank transfer, postal transfer, cash on delivery)]

6. Confirm your order and click the purchase button.

About payment

You can choose to pay by credit card, Paypal, or bank transfer (prepayment).

credit card payment

[VISA, MasterCard, JCB, American Express, DISCOVER, Diners Club ] is available. Only lump sum payment is accepted as payment method.

​ (Don't worry, the input contents such as card information will be encrypted with SSL before being sent.)

●Paypal payment

You can pay with Paypal by credit card or bank account.

●Offline payment (bank transfer, postal transfer, cash on delivery)

[Regional Bank]

Transfer account: Bank of Fukuoka, Kasuga branch

Account number: Ordinary 23232

​ account name: Yu) Tomita

​ *Transfer fees are the responsibility of the customer.

[postal transfer]

Transfer account: Japan Post Bank 768 branch

Account number: Ordinary 2390218

Account name: Yugengaishatomita

​ *Transfer fees are the responsibility of the customer.

[ cash on delivery ]

Please pay in cash when the product is delivered.

A cash-on-delivery fee will be added separately.


・Total amount of products (tax included)  Less than 30,000 yen 500 yen

・Total amount of products (tax included) 30,000 yen or more to less than 100,000 yen 800 yen

・Total amount of products (tax included) 100,000 yen or more to less than 300,000 yen 1,200 yen

* In "Remarks" in the "Delivery Address Information" input field on the "Enter Payment Information" page​'COD requestPlease enter '.

About returns and exchanges

​ How to return

・Basically, we do not accept returns or exchanges due to customer convenience. In addition, although we take all possible measures to ensure that the product is perfect, if you receive a product that is different from the product you ordered, or if the product you received is damaged, we will replace it free of charge.

・For returns or exchanges due to initial defects, please [always] contact us in advance via the inquiry form or by phone within 3 days after the product arrives.

・Once we have confirmed the initial defect, please return the product (including the outer box, accessories, enclosed items, warranty card, and instruction manual) within 3 days by cash on delivery. If the product is in stock, we will exchange it for a non-defective product.

・We are not responsible for any damage or loss during return, so please return it in sufficient packaging.

・The delivery receipt at the time of return will serve as a proof of receipt of the return, so please keep it in a safe place.

・We cannot accept returns or exchanges in the following cases.

1. Products that have been damaged or soiled by the customer

2. Ordered products

3. Product during or after assembly

4. If any of the products (including the outer box, accessories, enclosed items, warranty card, and instruction manual) are missing.

5. If more than 4 days have passed since the product arrived, or if there is no prior contact.

About the displayed price

・The prices listed in the online shop are"Consumption tax included"is the price.

About delivery and shipping


Nationwide ¥500 (tax included)

・Nationwide shipping is free for purchases totaling 33,000 yen (tax included) or more.

*Excludes some products such as used items and consignment items.

●Shipping conditions

・After receiving your order, in-stock items will be shipped within 7 business days after confirmation of payment.

●Shipping method

・Delivery companies include Japan Post (Yu-Pack) / Yamato Transport / Sagawa Express / Seino Transportation. (Please note that you cannot specify the delivery company)

・Japan Post (Yu-Pack) / Yamato Transport [Basic shipping]

・Sagawa Express / Seino Transportation [If the package is large]

*For orders under 10,000 yen without specifying the delivery date, we may replace it with a letter pack service.

● Designation of delivery date and time

​・You can specify the delivery date and time, but the date and time selection field isWe do not have one, so please click "Delivery date and time" in the shopping cart and enter the specified date and time in the displayed frame. As a general rule, please specify the delivery date after the day after the order date. Please note that we may not be able to deliver your order on the specified date and time if your order is placed on a holiday or outside our business hours.

​・Delivery time zone

・Morning (until 12:00)

・From 14:00 to 16:00

・From 16:00 to 18:00

・From 18:00 to 20:00

・From 19:00 to 21:00

​・Due to various circumstances such as natural disasters, traffic conditions, or the absence of the delivery address, we may not be able to deliver on the desired date and time.

​・Please do not specify the time within the time zone.

・Depending on the delivery area, it may not be possible to deliver on the specified date.In that case, we will ship the item as soon as possible (no specification).

Indication based on Specified Commercial Transactions

Distributor Limited company

Shop name Tenmon House TOMITA

Operation Supervisor Yoshikuni Tomita

Head office location 2-1-12 Mikasagawa, Onojo City, Fukuoka Prefecture 816-0912

​Shop location Same as above

Phone number 092-558-9523

Fax number 092-558-9524

Email address

Products handled Astronomical telescopes, binoculars, cameras, tripods, optical equipment

Astronomical observatory (astronomical dome, sliding roof)

​ Permits and qualifications Fukuoka Prefecture Public Safety Commission secondhand dealer permit No. 901131110073

​Business day calendar

​store holiday: The showroom (store business) is closed, but we are responding to inquiries and shipping orders by phone and email.

​Closed: All operations have been suspended.

site map


​TOMITA's Star Festival"Star Banquet"


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